Bags galore! I have managed to finish off all bags to date, so feel happy that I have a good stock for the two forthcoming exhibitions. Yesterday I made my first felted knit bowl. I think it is going to be ok (it is still drying). I can sense a whole new batch of projects coming on....Today I am off to Brighton to have another lesson on my Apple Mac, so hopefully the results of my learning will soon be evident!
Monday, 29 August 2011
I am working hard to finish off items ready for next Sunday. I've spent most of the day today stitching and my fingers are feeling rather battered!! Today is the last bank holiday of the summer. There is defiinitely a nip in the air tonight, so thoughts of cosy evenings around the fire...knitting..are looming!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
I induldged myself on Saturday and went to Waa Waa's. Bexhill's brilliant wool shop.......(no comment)!!
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Had a good dyeing afternoon's a great feeling to know that stocks are building up. I should have a lot of materials to keep me going in the winter!
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
It's raining this morning and there's a hint of autumn about. This is getting me in the mood to knit...more and more bags.....!!
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Here are the budding's amazing what can be done with brusho paints. Mind you, we did end up with brushod tables and chairs. but it all comes out in the wash!
Saturday, 20 August 2011
The sun was shining yesterday so the kids and I had a painting session in the are some earlier pics but I'll download my recent photos today, so can hopefully show them tomorrow!
Friday, 19 August 2011
We went to Pompei last week. It is amazing to think that this town remain buried for nearly 2,000 years.....
A good day out in Brighton yesterday with the kids. There's always so much to see there...trampolining, penny farthing bikes, merrygorounds. etc etc...the english seaside at its best. Knitted some more flowers on the train coming home...and let my mind wander around creative possibilities with felted crochet/knit combined. I shall keep thinking......
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
I'm still building up my stock for 2 forthcoming sales....and then I shall start planning new projects....
I'm really enjoying the summer....two more weeks of school holidays, and then back to normality!! Just back from brilliant Disney cruise....
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
I'm so thrilled to find that working with my new apple mac is so quick and easy. My plan to publish a book is becoming a more realistic goal by the day. I can't resist putting just one more picture on!
After last night's success, I am going to have another go! I plan to start blogging properly after the summer are some memories of a happy time in Italy with my friend Janet.
I shall now attempt to put three images on...think I must be a slow learner...
Hey worked....I shall keep practising until I've cracked it...