There is a quirky shop across the road called "Doris and Sweet Pea"..fabulous name. Well, yesterday I couldn't resist buying some wire shelves, and I am so pleased with how they look. They are good for my wools as it is easy to rummage through the colours, and they are very visible. I'm always on the look out for display props and this afternoon Linda (from the shop) has given me an old pair of step ladders to paint. Can't wait to get going...
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Couldn't resist taking these pictures of Heavenly Organics...what a wonderful shop! I had such a good day yesterday at Heaven Farm...chatting, knitting and enjoying the sun! Also sold some felt!!
Monday, 26 September 2011
It's a glorious autumn morning, so in a few minutes I shall be taking my daily walk in the woods. This is always the best part of my's calm and quiet (usually!) and physically energising. It gives me time to reflect and be thankful for a new day. The dogs enjoy it too...
It's extremely difficult to knit with this lot on my lap!!
Friday, 23 September 2011
As you can see, we not only knit and natter at our weekly knitting group...but we eat cakes. We're thinking of re-naming it: the eating group. We have such a good time together...always inspiring each other, and bouncing off ideas. And such good friendships........
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Yesterday the sun shone so I couldn't resist taking some photos....stock is building up nicely in time for the Lewes exhibition next month I'm playing around with the idea of making cushions and other interiors with my felted knit.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
While I was away last week I kept a small sketchbook and some paints on the table, so every time I came in I could paint for a few minutes. This is quite good discipline for me, so I shall try to do this from now onwards! I got inspiration from one of my favourite artists, Shirley Trevena. I have now got to spend the day going into Brighton getting help with my e mail. I have managed to completely lose it from my laptop!! Hey ho!
Monday, 19 September 2011
Hopefully I shall now get myself organised and start felt making, do some spinning, knitting and all the other wonderful winter time pursuits. I seem to have been all over the place this summer, but have no more travel organised (except family party in Worcestershire next month. I still work in academic year mode (after years of teaching) so now is the time for me to make my new year resolutions...I'll let you know what they are when I've made them!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Just returned from a good week in Swanage. We know it well and love the area.....very calm and laid back. Our rented cottage had a south facing patio, so I spent many happy hours sitting in the sun, sipping wine, and knitting...I used my I-pod a lot and am finding it so easy to download pics on to my Apple Mac. I am nearly able to publish my first book on line....although this won't be cleverly edited, I shall be incredibly proud of it!!
In between cream teas and curries I managed to find time for creativity...I never tire of taking photos of flowers and the great outdoors. I went on my morning walk even though I didn't have the dogs with me..I just chatted to other peoples' dogs (and the people of course!)
Friday, 9 September 2011
We're off for a weeks holiday tomorrow..going to Dorset for a chill out! Weather looks pretty grim, so I must take loads of knitting to do! I've also packed my sketch book....see you next week.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
I had another lesson on my apple mac yesterday, so I'm gradually getting there. I've had such a great time browsing blogs and web sites, and read about the fabulous apps that are available. I bought Autopainter...and you can see the results. Aren't they amazing? All very simple photographs taken on my I-pod!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
On Sunday my friend Jill and I had a very enjoyable day at the Stitches in Time exhibition at Parham House. I do enjoy meeting old and new friends who share the love of textiles.
I am now thinking about winter projects (particularly after yesterday's storm when It was almost impossible to stand upright!) I have decided to explore ways of making a felted knit jacket. Sizing will be tricky because I never know how much the wool will shrink! Still I shall have a go