Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Nearly had a complete disaster yesterday.  Last week I dyed the blue linen fabric  you can see behind my newly spun wool.  I have never used the washing machine for dyeing  before, but this time I did.  I followed the  dye manufacturers instructions TO THE LETTER.  It will not contaminate the machine they said.  Subsequently I did two household washes with no problem...but yesterday I thought I would be helpful and wash a white clerical robe that was hanging around (this is usually done by the verger).  Well!  What a panic I had - it came out of the machine tinged with bluish  This garment costs in the region of £120 - and no chance of getting a new one before Easter.  I was having a panicky coffee with a friend who very helpfully suggested I dyed the whole thing (like Joseph's coat!!).  Anyway I came home and swirled it around in bleach.....washed it again BY HAND but still bluish! In the end I had to confess.....but this morning I'm glad to say that the blue is much less obvious!  I am going to make a statement about this though at the shop where I bought it......


  1. oh nasty.....! Well done for confessingxxHax Thanks for visiting my blog.x
    love these images..colours are stunningxx

  2. I have dyed using the machine on a few occassions with no problems. I wonder if a bit of colour got trapped around the door (or similar.) The last thing I did was a couple of second hand curtains which I dyed a lovely pinky red. They hang in front of the back and front doors as part of my attempts to keep this chilly old house warm in winter (and indeed in spring! Brrrrr!)

    It is a shame because the blue is lovely.

