Thursday, 28 June 2012

SUMMER IS HERE!!  But.....I am in Italy and the temperature is rising up to 40 degrees at the moment.  I have come to stay with my very best mate....we've been friends for 37 years and we're still going!!! We have so much in common and love to talk textiles and art.   Here is Janet in her new gloves that were made for her by my good friend Val who goes to our knitting group.....she is thrilled with them .......As you can see the see the grass here is really burned with the sun....(just like in the U>K>!!!) Have a good day everyone - I'll be back tomorrow x


  1. Fabulous gloves, maybe a little warm for wearing in 40 degrees! Finally we have rain! after 10 weeks or so in a usually very damp place the garden is delighted ;) I even had to water the drainage as it was showing up as 2 brown stripes on the lawn! 2 days of rain its green again & the water buts have filled up - I know, I'm a little unusual in being glad of rain - have a great trip!
    If that's you in the bottonm pic your face has recovered beautifully ;)

  2. bit hot for those gloves Janet!
