Sunday, 9 September 2012

We had a very happy workshop at the Threshing Barn today.  The weather, food and company were all fantastic, and brilliant work was produced.   How good it is to spend a day in the company of like minded people and simply play and enjoy creativity.   We started off thinking about pockets and I took along a lot of samples to show....during the day we all seemed to do our thing.....amazing works of art were created which I shall show you on my next blog.  If you see anyone walking around with zany pockets, you'll know where they've been.  Tomorrow I shall be motoring down towards Oxford where I shall be for a couple of days - I'm not sure if I can get on line there so it may be a few days before I can blog again.  I shall finish off by saying how it wonderful it has been to make some very good friends.  I look forward 
to being up here in Staffordshire to meet them all again x 

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