We had a very happy day in Rye yesterday - the weather was warm and bright and everything looked clean and fresh. There are so many interesting corners and alleyways to look at. I am finding that when I go around with my camera I notice so much more. I think I'll add a picture of the walls of the Indian restaurant where we had a mouth watering curry....the waiter was so pleased like that I liked his colour scheme he proceeded to give me a guided tour of his potted plants which I had to photograph!! Today - a beautiful, sunny day, we have our knitting group (knitting and not eating this week!) but first I must take George (golden retriever) to the vets as her eye has blown up and is obviously very tender. I think she must have been stung...poor old George! Have a good day x Oh, also today Jamie (grandson no. 1) is 18! Happy Birthday Jamie xxxxxxxxxx

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