Thursday 5 July 2012

I was very pleased with myself last night because we went to the painting class.....and I did what I was told.  At first, I thought how on earth can I spend three hours painting on such a tiny piece of paper.  But I did...and loved it.  It was quite sweet really, because these young children were hanging around and were saying 'bella' 'bella' and then were really keen to practise their english.  A gorgeous little boy, probably about 7/8 years old, puffed his chest out and said "my name is Phillipo".....he was so happy when I told him how clever he was!  Anyway, it was another gloriously good to the hairdressers later today - and then a meal overlooking the lake.  What a life!

1 comment:

  1. Your paintings look brilliant, you must frame themx
