Sunday, 6 September 2015

I'm now settling back to the U.K.   I was in London on Tuesday .... how I love it!  For some reason I have been in a green mood lately.....have even started a new slightly greenish weaving!   Although the Caribbean was amazing, good old England is also pretty good!  I know that I am so lucky to live by the sea, and this afternoon took the last two photos to show you what is on my doorstep!! I have been quite manic during the week, clearing out lots of clutter.  I find that this also helps to de-clutter my mind - so hopefully amazing creations will eventually emerge.......


  1. Look forward to the results. I would love to declutter, but I need some time :(

  2. I was in London on Tuesday too, and in the very same shop as you but on the Wednesday! How close we got to our paths crossing 😂

  3. Wonderful inspiration from the colours in your photographs, I particular like the next to last one of the blue sea, the gorgeous rosy pink boat and so on!!
